Texas NAWGJ: Keeping Texas judges informed and up to date with the latest in the world of judging women's gymnastics

Google Classroom

Texas NAWGJ and Winnie Witten proudly present Google Classroom for judges.


Winnie Witten Present

Google Classroom for Judges 

TX NAWGJ would like to thank Winnie Witten for creating these study guides for learning the compulsory and optional levels. These lessons provide judges with study tools for the test, practice testing, and practice judging to prepare for competitions.

We compiled these lessons from the resources at usagym.org, nawgj.org, and various lecture material that has been used in Texas and around the country.

In order to access these free courses, you must have access to Google Classroom (please see the attachment below).

Click here to view Winnie's Google Classroom instructions

Access Codes:

Compulsory: kxnb46y

L6,7,8: pue45qs

L9: stadgmr

L10: anpspwp

NCAA: xppkeca

Professionalism: rozjo7c

When you join the class, click on the Classwork tab at the top of the page to organize your lessons.

Here is how it works:

  1. Order your compulsory book or get the compulsory app (or both) from USA Gymnastics.
  2. Upload Quizlet to your device to practice your deductions. (Directions are in the class)
  3. You may order a compulsory practice DVD from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so you can practice scripting and judging before you sit in the chair.
  4. Study the lessons.
  5. Take the test. Register on the usagym.org website. See How To Become a Judge (lesson 1 in the class) 
  6. Be sure to practice judge before you sit in the chair.

If you have any questions, or if you would like Winnie to send you an invitation to Google Classroom, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Good luck. We wish you success.


Bonnie Crawford, TX SJD

Click here to view Winnie's Google Classroom instructions

Last modified on Thursday, 18 June 2020 23:25